Microgreens | Germinations
Considered since a long time as one of the most useful and healthiest natural superfood, this plant adds a health supplement to a varieties of menus. Arugula is also known as rocket.
The Arugula microgreen is flavourful with a zest of pepper taste. The leaf is similar to the oak leaf.
Great source of folic acid, iron, copper and a variety of minerals and vitamins A,C et K.
- Boost for bone and brain health
- Detoxifying food
- Reduce risk of cancer as a cancer fighting food
- Boots healthy bones
- Antioxidant
- Improves eyesight
- Good for healthy skin
- Improves mineral absorption
- Activates the immute system
- Beneficial for weight management
- Natural aphrodisiac
- Lowers blood pressure
- Protects the aging brain and cognitive decline
- Reduces the amount of oxygen needed during exercice & enhances athletic performance
- Help keep body hydrated
Aragula is not available at the grocery store, contact us for ordering.